5 Easy Ways To Raise Your Credit From Poor To Good
Unless your credit score is a perfect 850 , chances are you could use a boost on your credit score. Unfortunately for all of us, a few negative points on your report can significantly decrease your credit score, especially if you have a short credit history. Depending on what is pushing your score down, you may be able to see quick results in less time than you think. According to Rod Griffin , director of public education at Experian, “the lower a person’s [credit] score is, the more likely they are to achieve a 100-point increase.” While there isn’t a magic solution to fix poor credit if your credit score is currently somewhere in the “fair” and “bad” areas, use the strategies in this article to improve your credit fast. 1. Make Sure Your Payments Are on Time To ensure your credit score begins to improve, it is important to immediately make sure that all your payments are being made on time. Your on-time payment history is one of the most significant factors when it comes to your